Quipco Botswana is a Botswana Bureau of Standards Registered Fire Extinguisher Service Centre.
We Service, repair and refill Stored Pressure Fire Extinguishers at our Francistown Premises.
Each Fire Extinguisher is numbered and a Fire Extinguisher Maintenance Record Document is produced for every Fire Extinguisher. A Service sticker is attached to the Fire Extinguisher.
All our Fire Extinguisher Service Technicians have been certified by BOBS. We have a Quality Control section that monitors the Service Centre.
All Certified Service Technicians have Quipco Identity cards. Every Service Technician’s certification is displayed at the Quipco Entrance.

We do have agents in the field collecting Fire Extinguishers for service. These agents will have a Quipco Identity card.
Please ensure that the persons Omang details match those on the Quipco Identity card before releasing your Fire Extinguishers. Also make note of this persons name and make him sign for the Fire Extinguishers he takes.
When the Fire Extinguishers are returned they should have the Quipco Service Sticker attached and you should receive a copy of the Fire Extinguisher Maintenance Record for each Fire Extinguisher.